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Патч 1.3
(24.9 Kb)
Вносит в игру следующие поправки:
Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with user not being returned to the offline main menu when losing their connection.
* Users are no longer returned to the offline main menu after a LAN race.
* Fixed host hanging in an empty game room after exiting a race.
* Users are now able to find LAN races created through Quick Race.
* Fixed issue where the game will softlock and lose focus when clicking on 'Continue' in the [create new account] screen when information is entered but not confirmed in one of the first four fields.
* Corrected number of laps in Knockout race event in Blacklist 15.
* Fixed problem where users are disconnected from LAN after finishing a race.
* Fixed issue with backround disappearing when mouse clicking the 'Statistics' button during the Hurry Up timer.
* Fixed a crash in the Foreign Registration Alert screen if the user clicks the back button.
* Fixed a crash when backing out and re-entering the Rap Sheet using the mouse.
* Clicking the back button during the Rap Sheet intro now returns the user to the Main Menu.
* Fixed issue with the interior of the car sometimes disappearing during gameplay.
* Fixed performance parts not showing up unless profile loaded.
Похожие материалы

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Категория: Програмы | Добавил: Lilless (26.09.2012)
Просмотров: 2087 | Теги: Патч 1.3 NFS MW, nfs most wanted | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 0
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